At St. David Haigh and Aspull CofE Primary School, the governors have agreed that all children attending either part or full time education at the school shall be asked to wear a School Uniform.
We are proud of our school uniform at St. David’s, we feel that the uniform adds to the school identity and gives the children a sense of belonging.
The school regularly ensures that good quality uniform can be purchased from local suppliers including Aspull Embroidery and Slaters.
At the New Intake Meeting in the Summer term and in newsletters and other communications, parents are regularly informed of where they can obtain uniform.
Pale blue polo shirt (with optional school logo)
Grey skirt / pinafore
Grey shorts / trousers
Red sweatshirt (with optional school logo)
Grey / white socks
Smart black shoes (No trainers, sandals or heels)
Summer Uniform
Blue / White gingham dress
Physical Education Kit Children can come to school dressed in their PE kit on their timetabled PE day.
Navy shorts
School P.E. top or Red/White polo/t-shirt (with optional school logo)
Black slip on pumps or trainers
Plain Tracksuit
Swimming Kit Children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 swim at St Wilfrid's Church of England Primary Academy, during the Summer Term.
Costume / trunks
It is very important that all school clothes are clearly named and labelled.
In the interests of safety children are not permitted to wear jewellery, including earrings, bracelets and necklaces.
Good-quality, second-hand uniform is available upon request.