Acorn 2024 - 2025
Miss Perry
Welcome to Acorn class
Welcome to our class page, here you will find information about our class and see the exciting learning that takes place. Please follow us on Twitter @Class1_StDavids for regular updates about our learning. Click on the links below to access a range of learning platforms.
This term's project is:
Dangerous Dinosaurs
This exciting project teaches children about the different animals that roamed Earth millions of years ago and how they are related to animals that live on Earth today.
Memorable experience - Dino Experience
Innovate challenge - Design a dinosaur and give it a name.
The children will also enjoy reading a selection of dinosaur stories
This companion projects for Puddles and Rainbows
This mini project teaches children about the weather that happens during spring and allows them to explore natural phenomena, including rainbows. It supports them to explore colour in the natural world.
Memorable experiences - Performing the rainbow song to our gardeners (Year 6 Buddies)
Innovate challenge - Musical weather story
The children will also enjoy reading the text, The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywait
Useful information
Reading books are changed on a Friday
Library books are changed on a Friday
PE day is Monday - please send children to school in full PE kit
New home learning is set every Friday, you can access via your child's Purple Mash account.
Useful Links
Ruth Miskin Virtual Classroom - Phonics RWI
Oxford Owl - Free Ebook library - select any of the books in the appropriate age category.