Meet our team
Executive Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to warmly welcome you all to St David Haigh and Aspull C of E Primary School.
As St. David’s is part of The Learning Together Trust, alongside Canon Sharples, I am in the priveleged position of leading two schools in our Trust. I am overwhelmed by the ‘family feel’ of St David's and the attitude of the children and the commitment of the staff. The beautiful surroundings on the edge of Haigh Woodland Park, with views of the Pennines, creates a unique learning environment in which our children can thrive. As Executive Headteacher, I will ensure that the children of St. David’s receive an education of the highest quality.
I am a vastly experienced teacher and Headteacher, and I am now proud to be the Executive Headteacher, alongside Mr. Colothan, for the Learning Together Trust. I have been a qualified teacher for 18 years and have had the pleasure of teaching from Reception through to Year 6 in three different primary schools. Throughout my career, I have had experience as Early Years Lead, English Lead, Assessment Lead and Inclusion Manager, including the role of SENDCo. My leadership experience has included Assistant Headteacher for four years, Deputy Headteacher for five years and Headteacher for six years.
My own faith commitment is extremely important to me. As a practising Christian, I have taught and led in Church schools throughout my whole career. I am passionate about leading Collective Worship and upholding Christian Values across the Church and School Community. For the past fifteen years, I have worked closely with Liverpool Diocese, developing strong partnerships with the Board of Education and clergy.
Excellent teaching and learning is fundamental and my ambition is to provide an education of the highest quality for all children, with a curriculum that is based on the needs and interests of the children in the school to ensure that each unique child achieves their full potential.
As Executive Headteacher, I am fully committed to leading and managing St. David’s, working alongside my highly experienced Deputy Headteacher, Miss Kiselis. The Learning Together Trust central team will continue to provide further leadership which will include Mr. Colothan, as Executive Headteacher of St. Wilfrid’s Church of England Primary Academy, Mrs. Crompton, as Finance Director, Mrs. Morgan-Hillam, as Head of School Improvement, Mr. Rigby as Head of System Leadership and Mrs. Newman, as SENDCo, supported by Mrs. Speakman from Canon Sharples C.E. Primary School. Our dedicated leadership team will be on site throughout each week.
I am excited about leading St. David Haigh and Aspull Church of England Primary School and look forward to serving the school and community moving forwards, and fully embracing our school Christian Vision:
Together in God's Love: aim high, stay strong, be determined.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. J. Woodcock
Executive Headteacher
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs. J. Woodcock - Executive Headteacher
Mrs. E. Speakman - Assistant Headteacher / SENDCo
Mrs. V. Butler - Teaching and Learning Lead
Miss D. Perry - Acorn Class (Reception)
Mrs. V. Butler – Sycamore Class (Y1/Y2)
Mrs. E. Ince – Pine Class (Y3/Y4)
Mrs. K. Colothan / Mrs. E. Speakman – Oak Class (Y5/Y6)
Support Staff
Mrs J. McKay – School Office Manager
Mr. I. Marsh – Caretaker
Mrs. A. Donaldson – Pastoral Mentor
Miss K. Bate - Teaching Assistant
Mrs. L. Gregory - Teaching Assistant
Mrs. L. Williams – Teaching Assistant
Mrs. E. Leatherbarrow – Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs. A. Harrison - Teaching Assistant
Mrs. A. Spencer – Cook in Charge
Mrs. D. Hewitt – Catering Assistant
Miss S. McKeown – Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs. E. Latham – Lunchtime supervisor